Difficulty: “I want to practice, but I don’t have time”

March 17, 2023

Solution: There is time! Only at first you need to 1) Select. If you have just started to practice, then you do not yet have a habit of this, yoga is not part of your daily schedule. And it needs to be brought there - literally entered, along with the rest of the cases. 2) Everyone has heard this a hundred times, and yet: do a little, but regularly. A killer workout for two hours once a week will give less benefit than half an hour every day. Firstly, it is clear that in the second option, the number of hours of classes per week will be greater. Secondly, the load will be uniform. And thirdly, the habit of exercising regularly will be formed. And so it turns out that you need much less time than you thought - and you definitely have it.