Uttanasana - forward bend

March 15, 2023

It will help not only stretch the back of the legs and lower back, but also add flexibility to the mind. It will also calm the tossing of thoughts, relieve symptoms of depression and stimulate the liver and kidneys. This asana itself relieves headaches and eliminates insomnia. And when performed outdoors, the positive impact will only increase. Practical advice: if you want to increase the stretch in the lower back, slightly bend your knees: then the load will go to the sacrum. Parivritta Parshvakonasana - Turned Side Angle Pose. This asana strengthens the legs, ankles and knees and stretches the muscles of the entire body: the groin, along the spine, chest and shoulders. That is, it will perfectly relieve stress after, for example, a steep ascent or a long walk. If you can't balance, place your back heel on a support, such as a tree trunk or large rock.