The main signs of the straight-A’s syndrome.

March 9, 2023

➖The desire to receive praise from other people. This type of people tries to do their job impeccably, so that they are praised in front of everyone and are set as an example. ➖Harsh perception of criticism. If straight-A students do not know how to take criticism, how do they remain the best? In those moments, they resort to self-destructive behavior. They have two extremes: either everything is fine, or, on the contrary, everything is absolutely terrible. ➖The predominance of perfectionism at any activity. They have to pass their finals perfectly, they also want to achieve high success in sports, romantic relationships and friendship. They do not realize that it is simply impossible to be on top at everything. ➖The fear of making a mistake. This is because mistakes lead to criticism, ridiculing and self-loathing. This is what excellent students diligently avoid.