Helplessness - where does it come from and why?

February 21, 2023

When a man hits a woman, a lot of people judge the woman. They say things like: why doesn’t she just leave him, this is totally stupid. But the reality is most of the times she CAN NOT, and the cause for her “immaturity” has a scientific explanation called “learned helplessness”. If a children’s parents beat them, morally abused them (humiliated them, raised them like tyrants), they got gradually used to enduring such relationship, because what other choice did they have? As a result, when the child turns into an adult and is placed in a similar environment, they “keep enduring the suffering”.Thank God, not everyone is beaten by their parents or their husbands. However, learned helplessness can manifest in many other forms! Millions of possibilities surround each and every one of us, but we don’t n otice them because we have a stagnant perception of reality. Stepping out of the comfort zone isn’t easy, but it’s very beneficial and even necessary.