What do women desire

January 12, 2023

Security. We are insanely vulnerable and sensitive. Even if outwardly we build thick walls and shells, inside we always have a little fragile girl. And we really want to be taken care of. Sometimes from the outside we look like armored tanks, and you think that we don't care about you. But without it, we lose our femininity and beauty. More than anything, we want to be taken care of. It seems to us that it is not difficult to give a hand when getting off the bus, to hold the doors, to help with heavy bags, to meet us late at night from work, to listen to us in difficult times ... Perhaps this is really difficult for you - especially the last one. But we love it. For such care, we are ready to inspire you, idolize and take care of you. Even more, we want to stop working from dawn to dusk and start creating at home. Create harmony, love, atmosphere in it. We want to be close to our children, cook amazing meals for you, buy new curtains for your home. This is our nature - we want to create and be women. And perhaps it seems to you that not every woman wants this. But look into her eyes and deep inside you will see this little girl who loves to create the world around her.