Conscious people

January 4, 2023

They are able to follow what is happening from the external observer position, not getting involved but staying out of the fray. For example, when the mud from the wheel of a passing car hits you from head to toe, the first reaction is to shout at the offender and tell him or her all you think about it. A conscious person will get out of this situation, and before taking any action, will look at the other side: the offender still would not hear your cry, and even if he or she would, it is unlikely to react. Besides, he or she probably didn't do it on purpose — most likely he or she was just in too much of a hurry, too late, too nervous. They are not focused on the past because they know for sure: what's gone, can't be changed. They're also not obsessed with thinking about the future because they keep in mind the fact that we never know what life has in store for us.