According to the Vietnamese calendar

January 3, 2023

While most of Asia celebrates the Year of the Rabbit, Vietnam celebrates the Year of the Cat. According to the Vietnamese calendar, 2023 will be held under the sign of this animal. But how exactly he managed to replace the Rabbit in the zodiac of Vietnam is still unclear. As in Chinese, there are only twelve totem animals in the Vietnamese zodiac, but the fourth in a row is the Cat. According to one legend, Emperor Jade, a Taoist god, organized the race. During this race, the cat came fourth in a row and took its place among the animal symbols of the zodiac. There is also a completely rational explanation for the favor of the Vietnamese to the cat family. The fact is that the majority of the population of this country are peasants. They grow rice, and cats protect the crop from mice. While rabbits do not have such merits to the economy.