Taoist kneeling

December 27, 2022

Taoist kneeling was given to the world by Chinese healers - the exercise has been used in the Celestial Empire for hundreds of years. Modern world medicine has given the exercise a complex term - kinesitherapy, but the essence of the practice with the name has not changed. Let's look at what the benefits are, what diseases it helps to cure and how to perform it correctly. 1. Restoration and improvement of vision. Do you still think that there is no connection between the knees and the eyes? Moreover, according to Taoist philosophy, the liver is responsible for the eyes, which means that by improving liver function through kneeling, we improve vision! There is only a small nuance that should not be forgotten. You need to walk on your knees with your eyes closed. 2. Effective weight loss. Great for fighting body fat, walking on your knees in this case, you need at least 20 minutes a day to get a good sweat.