Forecast for 2023. Aquarius.

December 23, 2022

The year is unlikely to bring serious problems, but it will not do without trials. The first months will be a kind of strength test: not everything will turn out well right away, something may not go according to plan at all. Your mistakes and miscalculations can backfire. But the most important thing is not to allow yourself to be lazy, not to stretch the post-New Year holiday indefinitely. Try to pull yourself together as quickly as possible, then you will not have to regret missed opportunities or that you have given way to more efficient rivals. Spring will please with pleasant events, changes for the better in all spheres of life. This is a bright and inspiring time that will open up new horizons for many Aquarians. What previously seemed absolutely fantastic will become possible. You will believe in yourself - and others will not doubt your abilities either. That is why it will be easy to find allies, like-minded people and business partners. The summer will not be so bad, but it will require a certain amount of prudence. Do not waste money on nonsense, do not trust just anyone, do not count on the stars to do everything for you. If you are attentive and prudent, then at this time everything will turn out well. Well, the last months of the year will certainly please. They will be especially generous with lucky matches. You will be at the right time in the right place, benefit from any event. Many bold business ventures will be successful. Income can rise significantly.