Sleep on bee hives.

December 20, 2022

Have you heard about such an unusual way of recovery and relaxation as sleeping on bee hives. This is one of the youngest and most unique trends in apitherapy. In a wooden house on top of the beehives is a special bed. Don't be afraid, the bees won't get to you, thanks to the closed design of the bed. What is the secret of influence: - healing air with microparticles of pollen, nectar, propolis, wax and honey, which is ideal for inhalation. - useful microvibrations that come from the flapping of the bees' wings and act on the body as a vibration massage. This is for me now from the realm of fantasy! - the monotonous buzz of bees soothes, relieves stress and tension. From such an impact, a person immediately falls into a deep and healing sleep. Sounds tempting, doesn't it? As one of the best and most unusual SPA offer for residents of the metropolis.