Scientists have made a major breakthrough in thermonuclear energy.

December 19, 2022

For the first time, they were able to get more energy than was spent on starting the reaction. As part of the experiment, the world's most powerful laser machine was sent to a tiny capsule with deuterium-tritium fuel, heating it in a split second to a temperature several times higher than the temperature of the center of the Sun. As a result, thermonuclear fusion began in the superheated plasma, similar to what happens inside stars. 2.05 MJ was spent on launching the lasers, and 3.15 MJ of energy was received - this is considered an excellent result. In the future, the technology may become a "green" alternative to nuclear energy and hydrocarbon fuels. But this will not happen soon: under the forecasts of scientists, thermonuclear installations will be able to sustainably generate electricity in sufficient volumes only after several decades.