Forecast for 2023. Gemini.

December 19, 2022

You are in for a rather hectic year. Already at the very beginning it will become clear: events will not develop as you expected, and plans will need to be seriously adjusted. Until March, you will have to do a lot of other people's business, sometimes sacrificing your own interests for this. Significant expenses are not excluded (however, large cash receipts are very likely). Spring will open up new professional prospects, give you a chance to climb the career ladder and significantly increase your income. Here, not only your business qualities will be very important, but also the ability to get along with people and find an approach to them, quickly form the right impression of new acquaintances, instantly understand who you can rely on and who is better not to trust. There will be many interesting meetings from which both friendly and romantic relationships can begin. In any case, it is important for you not to force events, to let them develop in their own way. In the summer there will be a chance to get useful information, to find out what will come in handy soon. This time is suitable for study, advanced training. It is possible that during the summer months you will acquire a new specialty, or at least finally decide what you would like to do in the near future. In September, personal relationships will come to the fore, and until the end of the year, they will remain especially important for you. It is possible that you will make some important decisions regarding the future. Some Gemini will have to immerse themselves in family affairs.