Don't make excuses, it weakens you

December 17, 2022

You make mistakes, you learn, and that is your strength. Be open and honest. Life is learning. You would never be wrong if you knew how things would end. Only life is arranged in such a way that not a single business begins in one hundred percent certainty that it will work out. Therefore, be open to the experience and honestly admit if something did not work out. Such a strategy for dealing with failure will allow you to psychologically complete the event: • you will draw conclusions and take them into account in the future, without exhausting yourself with a fruitless feeling of guilt • it will strengthen your personality - because admitting your guilt, and not dumping it on others, you act like a good person • it will strengthen your self-respect - because you recognize as wrong only your specific action, but not your entire existence. The next time you find yourself making excuses, stop and hold back. And you will feel more personal power, even if you hear a lot of unpleasant things about yourself. Hold back. Let people express their feelings towards you if they want to, and accept it courageously. Hold back. Draw your own conclusions and get on with your life.