Don't make excuses, it weakens you

December 17, 2022

The easiest way to be "good" is to find the bad one in time - the one who does not allow him to show his true flawless, unsullied ideal essence. Who is the "bad guy" these days? My wife doesn’t understand me, the bosses humiliate me, the children don’t obey, the husband doesn’t love me, my parents get me out, the transport is late, the alarm clock breaks, the doctors don’t treat me, the neighbors are noisy, the gasoline is running out, my health is deteriorating. Don't get me wrong, it's not my fault. Don't make excuses. “I’m late, sorry, I just went to bed late yesterday, there was a lot of work, several business calls in the morning, you know what kind of emergency we have now, everything is like always at the last minute, is it possible to do at least something on time - eternal rush…" "I'm late, please excuse me." Noticed the difference? Don't make excuses. Excuses make you a victim of circumstance and rob you of your vitality. You yourself begin to perceive yourself as a small fry in the full-flowing river of human relations. You lose self-respect and self-confidence. You lose the trust of other people because you fuss around your own person a lot and are constantly defending yourself.