Why women of these signs of the zodiac are more likely to remain single. Libra

December 14, 2022

At first glance, Libra women do not seem lonely at all. A lot of men always revolve around them, and beauties are not deprived of attention. It is surprising that with such a choice of seemingly worthy representatives of the stronger sex, the daughters of Venus remain lonely. Libra themselves (especially in their younger years) usually do not worry that they will be left without “that very” chosen one. But while they test the surrounding men, choosing the best, the ranks of applicants begin to thin out. A Libra woman can easily be left alone because of her own indecision. Astrologers advise her to remember that among modern men, alas, there are not so many knights who are ready to wait forever for the attention of a lady of the heart. If a woman does not respond to his courtship, sooner or later he will pay attention to a lady who is more inclined to communicate. Libras who do not want to be left alone are advised to have less doubt and not make too high demands on applicants for their heart.