The QI HAI point is one of the most important points on the body.

December 1, 2022

It is called by different names in different traditions. Qi-Hai, Dantian, Hara, Center of the body - we are talking about the same point. When working through this point, a person comes to life, his vitality, vitality, vitality increase, sexual energy increases many times over. In Chinese medicine, this point is called the "pill for 108 diseases." The QI HAI point is located 2 fingers below the navel. Massage of this point helps with: - edema - chronic diseases of the pelvic organs - convulsions - intervertebral hernias - menstrual pain - colds, SARS, tonsillitis, when there is no longer a high temperature - constipation - urination disorders Perform self-massage of this point daily for 5 minutes. And your inner energy will quickly activate!