Horoscope for December. Virgo.

November 29, 2022

In early December, it can be difficult to objectively evaluate the circumstances, the actions of other people, and your own actions. Try not to build illusions, pay attention to the comments of friends whose knowledge and experience you trust. It is important not to commit yourself to any serious obligations until you are absolutely sure that you can fulfill them. This time is well suited to do familiar work, complete things that have been started earlier, solve some organizational issues, and draw up documents. Mid-December will be especially bright and inspiring. This is the right time for creativity, starting new business, as well as communicating with people who willingly support new ideas, try to use all the interesting opportunities. Amazing meetings, unusual acquaintances are possible that will make a strong impression on you. It is not excluded the beginning of a romantic story. New relationships will develop rapidly, and this will please you. Try not to overwork in the last days of the month. It may seem that you need to act very quickly in order to do a lot, and there is not a minute to rest. However, it is worth taking a short pause to think things over, to reconsider priorities. Perhaps you will understand: something can be postponed until later, and the freed up time can be devoted to what helps to restore strength.