More often than not, they doubt themselves. Cancer.

November 9, 2022

Self-confidence is a fickle thing. In one situation we are confident in ourselves, in another we are not. In truth, it depends more on the social environment in which we grew up and live. But astrological factors can also have an influence. We found out which zodiac signs tend to underestimate themselves and engage in self-discipline more than others. Crayfish. Self-esteem of representatives of this sign suffers more often than others. All due to the fact that Cancer is a very emotional and disturbing sign. The representatives of this sign, soft-hearted and sensitive people, tend to take everything too personally. Cancer women can get very offended and even cry if they are criticized. Cancer men are able to calmly stand in such a situation, but deep down they can worry that they deserve criticism, even if it is unfair. People with pronounced qualities of Cancer should learn to fully trust themselves and not depend on the attitude of others towards them. It is not for nothing that astrologers highlight the intuition of this sign so much.