What to do for good digestion of protein?

October 16, 2022

1. First of all, to establish the work of the digestive tract, no matter how trite it may sound. There should be sufficient acidity and good condition of the gastric mucosa, which produces enzymes. 2. Lean on fiber, as it contains the necessary enzymes for digestion. Try to eat plenty of vegetables and green salads along with protein. 3. Drink more water. Water is actively involved in the processes of digestion. BUT do not drink with food, as you can dilute the gastric juice and reduce acidity. You need to drink 30 minutes before meals or an hour and a half after. Based on approximately 30 ml per kg of weight. 4. The method of cooking meat or fish is also very important. If you are a fan of deep frying or deep frying, you will lose a lot more protein than if you just stew or bake the meat. Well, plus get a whole "bouquet" of carcinogens. Do you need it?