How to increase libido in women at home?

October 16, 2022

The first step to increasing your sex drive is changing your diet. You should more often eat foods that increase libido in women. They are the following: • Spices. Spicy spices improve blood circulation and stimulate an increase in sexual desire. • Oily fish. It is a rich source of polyunsaturated acids that normalize the hormonal background in the body. Add mackerel, salmon, salmon to your diet. In addition, it is recommended to drink a course of fish oil capsules. • Chocolate. Cocoa stimulates the production of serotonin in the body. This hormone is a neurotransmitter, that is, it is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses and stress relief. • Figs. Contains amino acids that have a positive effect on female libido. To increase sexual desire, you need to consume 50 grams of figs daily. • Also in the diet should include quail eggs, beef, celery, strawberries, citrus fruits and pineapples.