Some helpful stress relief ideas.

October 11, 2022

3. Thinking about the positive aspects of the situation. And most importantly, about the future. There is a banal phrase: "what does not kill us makes us stronger." This is true, because a person adapts to a lot. And the psyche is not as weak as many people think. In addition to post-traumatic stress, there is also post-traumatic growth. These are positive changes for people facing emergency situations. People begin to appreciate life, loved ones and everything they have more. By the way, about the future. Do something for him (not just for today). This is a signal to yourself that everything will be fine. And it certainly will be!) Globally - if you have a vision of long-term goals, then adaptability increases. And further. The acute phase of stress usually lasts 2-3 weeks. Further, the psyche cannot be at the peak of tension. The "fuses" turn on and the recession sets in. Adrenaline is gone, and the brain starts to work better. In these weeks there is a risk of falling into a pit of despair, getting sick. In general, be careful with yourself.