Help satisfy sugar cravings

October 6, 2022

Help satisfy sugar cravings ✔️ Half a large baked apple with 1 tbsp. l. fat-free yogurt and sprinkled with cinnamon. (46 calories) ✔️ Half a frozen banana. (46 calories) ✔️ 1 glass of freshly squeezed apple juice sprinkled with cinnamon. (49 calories) ✔️ 2 Sugar Free Popsicles (30 Calories) ✔️ 1 fruit ice without sugar. (35 calories) ✔️ 100 g raisins. (45 calories) ✔️ 12 cherries (48 calories) ✔️ 50 g of jelly with 3. tbsp. whipped low-fat cream. (40 calories) ✔️ Half a glass of strawberries with 21 tbsp. l. low-fat kefir. (47 calories) ✔️ 14 frozen red grapes. (48 calories)