What can be added to tea to get more benefits.

October 5, 2022

1. Carnation. Relieves headaches and freshens breath. Tea with cloves will help after a hard day to calm your nerves and put things in order in your thoughts. 2. Thyme. It will help after a hearty feast to improve digestion and remove unpleasant sensations in the stomach. 3. Ginger. Stimulates the protective function of the immune system and warms up after a long walk in the cold. Drink tea with ginger if you suddenly wet your feet, get cold or after suffering a cold, ARVI, flu. 4. Cinnamon. It normalizes the content of sugar in the blood, so tea with cinnamon is good to drink sweets and bread with cheese. 5. Tea with mint. It can fall asleep and wake up with renewed strength, as it has the ability to calm the nerves, relieve stress.