The most sociable signs of the zodiac. Sagittarius.

October 5, 2022

In astrology, Sagittarius, or rather, one of his highest incarnations, is a teacher. Communication with Sagittarius is directly spelled out by the cosmos. Unlike Gemini, who are always collecting information, Sagittarius has already collected everything for a long time and is ready to share it with people, to instruct them. At worst, he becomes a moralizer, from whom biting remarks come from time to time. But besides all this, Sagittarius is also a joker and a hedonist, a philosopher prone to idleness. Which, it is worth noting, most often knows how to pull himself together when necessary. He does not need either rivals or admirers - he just wants it to be fun and interesting. Travel, holidays, parties - this is where you can often meet Sagittarius, if you take into account his "fun" side.