Opinions of different men about oral sex.

October 4, 2022

▪️ “A blowjob without sound is not something you can dream of. Someone inspired my young lady that groans during sex are for prostitutes. I try to convince, but to no avail ... " ▪️ “During the blowjob, she psychologically put pressure on me. I did it with a favor and clicked displeasedly in the process ... I still didn’t understand what I did wrong ” ▪️ “Interrogation + blowjob should not be combined. But my girlfriend in the process decided to ask me 100500+ questions about sensitivity and whether I feel well. I never finished.” ▪️ “Defiantly, in front of me, she spat out the sperm on the floor after ending in her mouth (she herself wanted to) Well, I understand, maybe you don’t like the taste, but you can spit in the bathroom. Weird. Haven't seen you again :(" ▪️ “The blowjob was awesome, I am relaxed and closed my eyes. And then, without warning, she inserted her finger into the anus. No clarification "Can I?" and at least lubricants. Now I'm afraid to close my eyes