Horoscope for October. Aquarius.

October 2, 2022

The first half of October will be quite hectic. But you can hardly complain about it. On the contrary, the rapid development of events will please you. Many business ventures will be successful. This is the right time to take the initiative in work, to show what you are capable of. New allies will appear, you will receive business offers that you have long dreamed of. This time will be successful in terms of personal relationships. It will not bring disagreement with loved ones, but it will give a lot of ideas that you will be happy to do together. Later, an important period will come for those who are studying or are just about to learn a new profession. In the second half of October, many Aquarians will decide on their goals, understand what needs to be done to achieve them. New acquaintances, meetings are likely, from which relationships that are important to you can begin. Some unusual situations, amazing coincidences, memorable moments are likely. Many Aquarius, thanks to them, will become much better at understanding themselves.