Washing mistakes.

September 28, 2022

7. Intensively rub your hair with a towel, keep it wrapped in a towel for a long time. Treat your hair like delicate silk or cashmere: don't tear, twist, or rub. Wring out in a soft towel and do not hold in this position for more than a couple of minutes. Otherwise, you increase the activity of the sweat and sebaceous glands of the scalp, which means that the hair will get greasy faster! 8. Comb wet hair. So you pull them out. 9. Neglect the serum for the roots. If masks strengthen the hair fiber, then serums act on the roots. Thanks to them, new hair grows more actively and stronger. 10. Rarely wash your comb. When you comb clean hair with a comb that hasn't been washed in a week or more, you transfer dirt and grease to it. We understand that it’s a little lazy, but if you are an excellent student, then wash your comb with soap after each shampooing - this is the highest class! Or at least once a week.