How iron deficiency occurs - an example with a mug.

September 28, 2022

In order for something to appear in the mug, you need to pour something into it (accordingly, the intake of iron into the body from food is important). In order for there to be enough iron, we need to “pour” into the “mug” as much as we need to drink - according to our needs. If we pour less, then the deficit cannot be avoided either: we simply will not have enough of this amount to replenish the usual norm. If there is a hole in the “mug”, then everything poured will pour out from the back, we will drink and we will miss (hello, leaky intestines). So the amount of iron that enters the body and is absorbed depends on the condition of the digestive tube. That is, you need to “put” iron into the “mug”, be able to “pick it up” and check if there are any holes and if what you poured pours out.