5 main introverts of the zodiac world. Pisces.

September 26, 2022

Pisces are obvious introverts. As a rule, they live in their "aquarium" and they are not at all interested in what happens outside of it. That is why many people believe that Pisces are those snobs from which one can hardly draw even a word, but this point of view is extremely erroneous. It’s just that Pisces is much more interested in traveling through their inner world, because for them it is much more comfortable and familiar to the world around them. This explains their detachment. Pisces love to dream, soar in the clouds, so it can be very difficult to understand them. For Neptune's wards, emotionally receptive to the environment, a lot can be decided in a single moment. Usually, Pisces keep both anxieties and joys in themselves - at most, sometimes sharing them with the closest people.