Myth 1. Only the elderly need collagen.

September 24, 2022

It is believed that the lack of collagen is something age-related, so you can not think about supplements until the age of 60. Research really confirms that aging skin produces much less collagen than young skin. That is why in young people scratches, deep cuts and fractures heal faster than in older people. But collagen production does not slow down in old age, but much earlier. The body begins to lose collagen around the age of 30, and after 5-10 years, the effect will be very noticeable. First of all, this is reflected in the skin - it becomes dry, wrinkles appear. Then hair fades, and a person can also gain weight, even if eating habits have not changed, or earn problems with their teeth. Therefore, it is worth starting to look narrowly at collagen supplements between 20 and 30 years.