Energy source for every day.

September 15, 2022

5. Evening baths. Half an hour before the bath, take sorbents, as a warm bath starts lymphatic drainage and this is an opportunity to clean the lymph (always important before a bath or sauna). 6. Soar legs. Every day in the evening - 5-7 minutes, ankle-deep, you can also add salt and soda for 3-4 tbsp. spoons in the basin. If you warm your hands at the same time, the nervous system will receive a signal that there is no stress. 7. Breathing practices. Everyone has been talking about this for a long time! Please try and introduce this habit into your life! Breathing meditation (diaphragmatic breathing) after waking up and before going to bed. And let as much energy appear in your life as you need to fulfill your most cherished goals and desires!