The 3 most shy people in the zodiac. Cavalier Capricorn.

September 13, 2022

Oh yeah! The earthly guy is already so silent, and even in the presence of pretty girls, he completely turns into a beech. He shudders from touch, turns red like a tomato from frank glances, and generally runs away from hints. If you've met Saturn's cheeky pet, then you're in luck: this Capricorn has learned to hide modesty behind a womanizer's mask (or drink for courage). Indecisive, vulnerable, timid - it is so easy to offend the shy three. And you do not offend, but create the conditions under which Cancer, Libra and Capricorn will open up. Well, then brag to your friends, they say, what guys they grabbed. But hold on tight, because the hunters for the zodiac prudes have already sensed the benefits and made a stand.