The most cruel women in the zodiac world. Cancer.

September 5, 2022

The sign of Cancer is by nature very anxious and suspicious. Astrologers say that he can see what others are not given and easily reads the unconscious reactions of others to what is happening. it is impossible to deceive these ladies, because you are unlikely to find a person who feels betrayal and lies more sharply than Cancer. For representatives of this sign, there is always a catch even in those gestures and actions where, in principle, it cannot be. They often take things to heart, are extremely pessimistic (and more cynical) about the world around them, constantly suspect everything and everyone, and are in a state of combat readiness to repel an "attack". Therefore, you should not be surprised to open your eyes and mouth wide to find an angry Lady Cancer, who is parsing “chopping heads” and waving her saber.