How to start hardware procedures?

August 30, 2022

Before any hardware procedures, doctors advise patients to do biorevitalization. Usually, the need for hardware procedures in itself means that the skin can no longer cope with the work of self-healing and it makes no sense to stimulate it without preparation. The skin is also a network of capillaries that carry out metabolism. Carry away CO2, hormone metabolites and other waste products of cells, bring O2, new hormones, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and much more. The lymphatic channel is literally like a sewer. There is not a single cell that would not be connected with the bloodstream. Starting from the age of 30, the number of these same microvessels begins to change, and they function worse. And this means that technically everything useful that you ate, drank, including dietary supplements, trace elements, etc., is more and more difficult to deliver to peripheral organs, and the skin is just such an organ.