Impossible to resist: 4 most amorous signs of the zodiac. Cancer .

August 18, 2022

Touching the string of Cancer's "amorousness" is quite simple, but the question is - is it necessary? Cancer likes to "swim" in the depths of his feelings, often he looks at the world in a somewhat romanticized, dramatic and naive way. He falls in love for himself unexpectedly, when, it seems, nothing foreshadowed trouble. This sign lives by intuition and sensations, internal impulses and modulations, and anything can cause them. Cancer can feel a kindred spirit in a person and fall incredibly in love - it's a shame if in the end this turns out to be a mistake, since this sign experiences unrequited love very hard. The kindness, care and understanding shown to Cancer fill his eyes with a tearful veil, and his heart with warmth and hope. With a high probability, Cancer will fall in love with someone who exhibits these qualities. The main thing is that they turn out to be sincere, and the subsequent feelings of Cancer are reciprocal.