4 zodiac signs that make the most obnoxious bosses. Scorpio.

August 17, 2022

When Scorpio becomes the boss, the whole office involuntarily learns “everyday telepathy”, because the mood of all subordinates depends on the mood of the boss. If it’s good, then it’s easy to avoid dragging - not to catch his eye. We know how quickly the mood of Scorpios changes ... In addition, representatives of this sign are prone to excessive suspiciousness, it seems to them that everyone around them is plotting against them, that no one can be trusted. The Scorpio boss is inclined to choose his “favorite”, as a rule, of the opposite sex. Next to such a person, Scorpio will restrain aggression - until the first miss, and then he will repay in full for the loss of trust. If you find your sign on this list, don't be discouraged. This is the "average temperature in the hospital": Scorpio, Leo, Virgo or Cancer can be a great boss, like other signs - bad.