How to let go of the past

August 15, 2022

Don't impose standards on yourself. It's a trap! There is such a thing as a "standard of expectations. Most people absolutely know that any standard situation must have its standard development. And, accordingly, most traumas and hurt feelings from the past are unfulfilled expectations. For example, a woman gets married because she expects her husband to provide for her, her husband earns pennies and does not move to earn more, the woman gets divorced and gets angry at the whole world, thinking all men are mean and lazy. The divorce took place many years ago, and if it were not for her perpetually angry and depressed state of mind, the young energetic woman would have simply found herself another man from among those who are "grounded" to earn, and does not consider it a feat. However, all of her energy is spent regretting the past and the "best years of her life" that are irrevocably gone.