Pretender rating. 8th place - Capricorn.

August 12, 2022

The main goal of Capricorn is to live life in such a way as to leave as little evidence as possible in it. In the sense that Capricorns, of course, crave professional recognition (to a greater extent than all other signs), but as for the personal, excuse me, move over: the fewer people know what Capricorn is, the calmer he lives. So a Capricorn who wants to help his neighbors is the same person who sends large but anonymous donations to charitable foundations, the same person who arranges a job for an unlucky relative through third parties, and the same person who makes a cash desk for veterinary clinics. : at night you have to pay at a double rate, but no one will know that Capricorn picked up a downed mongrel on the road. And the image of a stale cracker will not suffer at all.