Daily horoscope August 11th.

August 11, 2022

Cancer♋️ Be wary of a friend whose lifestyle is too extreme for you. It is an instructive story that should not be repeated. In addition, you have already learned many life lessons, and it would be simply unwise to follow the example of your friend. Leo♌️ Has your desire for success turned into fanaticism? It is good and wonderful to be aggressive in achieving goals, but you must also take into account the fact that not all other people act according to your schedule, and not everyone has a reserve of vitality like yours. Virgo♍️ Some of your relatives at work had some difficulties. This tension will probably affect the personality of this person, which will negatively affect your relationship with him. Let him know that you are concerned about his problems, but let him know that you are not going to change everything radically because of his nervous demands.