Weight loss rules

August 8, 2022

8. Baths and saunas do not burn fat, they only remove water from the body, which returns after 2 hours. 9. Not eating after six is ​​a cliché. There is no need to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime. 10. After 16:00 - only protein food. Carbohydrates turn into fat in the afternoon. 11. A contrast shower is a panacea for everything. Increases blood circulation, respectively, accelerates metabolism, smoothes cellulite, improves complexion and appears willpower. 12. Chew your food thoroughly, slowly and thoughtfully. again, to speed up the metabolism. Do you know why some people eat a lot and don't get fat? good metabolism! This is also the secret of the French women - they are not in a hurry while eating and never have a snack!