The drone opened the cupboard and turned the valve.

August 8, 2022

Swiss engineers taught the drone how to manipulate objects, such as opening cabinets and turning valves. It has 12 propellers that can be rotated so the drone can hover in any position. The complex manipulator was replaced with a simple stick with a hook at the end. Before starting work, the drone builds a trajectory so that the door or other object comes from the current position to the specified one. To do this, engineers hung on objects (and the drone itself) spherical infrared markers - cameras around the perimeter of the room track their position with an accuracy of tenths of a millimeter. Hypothetically, a drone can be trained to handle almost any object that can be pulled or pushed. At the same time, while it is only able to work indoors, which is equipped with a tracking system, and, for example, is not adapted to the street.