Daily horoscope August 6th.

August 6, 2022

Capricorn♑️ It will be difficult for you to deal with dates and numbers today. Everyone has their own schedule, so it will not be easy to deal with them: you will have to reschedule at least one scheduled meeting for another time. But do not be afraid that this delay may adversely affect the outcome of the case. Aquarius♒️ Today, such a quality as cynicism will wake up in you, because sudden altruism on someone's part will make you alarmed. But before accusing a person of ulterior motives, wait and see how everyone else reacts to what is happening. Chances are good that they see the situation in a completely different light. Pisces♓️ Today you will be drawn to unusual people and places, and you will have every chance to solve them! Ask more leading questions and listen carefully, trying to catch the hidden meaning in the words of the interlocutors. They won't make it easy for you to understand, but it's worth a try!