How to keep a man's interest?

August 5, 2022

I will reveal the secret of all men: every man has a subconscious program aimed at sleeping with as many women as possible. Either he satisfies his need for novelty with the help of different women, or with one. "Every woman should have a mystery." Have you heard such a phrase? In fact, it is not a mystery, but the energy of novelty. Novelty for a man is when a different energy comes from you. It doesn’t matter how you bring novelty: change your appearance, change your job, try a new hobby, go on a trip, learn new knowledge and skills, offer experiments in sex. All this changes your energy, and you transfer this state to a man, even just by communicating with him. Novelty holds a strong man, and repels a weak one. Therefore, starting the path of development, consider the fact that weak men will simply disappear from your field.