At what age is it "too late" to change something, try new things, and follow your dreams?

August 4, 2022

Our desires are the main driving force that makes us do something. Assuming, of course, that these desires are really OURS, that is, not imposed by society. If that's true, then as soon as our desires arise in our minds, the amount of energy necessary to bring them to fruition arises too. People can be divided into three groups depending on their attitude towards their desires: People who dream a lot, but give up their dreams when faced with difficulties: because of disappointments, advice from "experienced" people and the seeming unrealism of their requests. ▪️"My partner said I was stupid dreaming of a big house, a nice car, decent money. It's not for us, it's too luxurious for people like us." ▪️"My friend told me I'd never get that job. It's all settled there, and there's no point in trying."