How to help yourself with swelling?

August 3, 2022

Sleep strictly until 23 hours. If possible, correct stress, and if this did not work out, then connect anti-stress techniques (any stress in the body will always be reflected by swelling on your face). Vagus nerve stimulation (singing, gargling). Breathing exercises - slowing down breathing, breathing through the left nostril, hypercapnic practices. Healthy movement (head turns with gradual deceleration and closed eyes, progressive relaxation from heels to crown, increase movement throughout the day). Relaxation of the diaphragm (mandatory!!! a clamped diaphragm will keep swelling in your body). Warm up your hands and feet (use baths, if you add a hot foot bath to the ritual before going to bed, you will quickly see a good effect on the whole body) Pelvic floor exercise. Meditation (relaxation is an important factor in the fight against swelling). Aromatherapy.