In what cases can you first get acquainted with a man.

August 2, 2022

• Do you feel that a man is not indifferent: by looks, smile, gestures, but very timid and indecisive? Send him a message first! ⠀ • You know that this handsome man has no one, he recently broke up with his girlfriend. Most likely now he is avoiding a serious relationship or has forgotten how to go on dates, so he has taken a wait-and-see attitude. Be active. • There is sympathy from a man, but there is no serious relationship. What to do? Play a little with him in an intriguing game: "push-pull." • When there is little time, for example, tomorrow he has a plane to another country. If you don’t want to bite your elbows, take risks, take the initiative in communication, than later regret it all your life.⠀ Yes, you can be the first to approach, talk to him, hint that you are not against rapprochement. But I do not recommend actively and persistently offering myself on a silver platter.