How to behave on a first date?

July 23, 2022

To make sure that your first date is not the last one, it is important to remember a few simple rules. ▫️ Stay confident. It's okay to be nervous on a first date. Acting confident, BEING YOURSELF is the best way to look confident. ▫️ Dress appropriately. Usually on a first date a man looks at a woman from head to toe, while she tries to impress him. ▫️ Take care when choosing a perfume. Without knowing your date's preferences, choose unobtrusive light scents for yourself ▫️ Don't be a drag. Don't burden him with your problems and don't complain. Be easy and have fun conversations about simple everyday things. ▫️ Take off the rose-colored glasses. Do not embellish the image of a man, don’t praise him, and don’t make long-range plans for him. ▫️ Let him pay for you. Especially if he insists on it, give him an opportunity to make a nice gesture. If you were excited during the date, don't forget to thank him for a great time.