Gain control over things and life: nine principles of minimalism

July 21, 2022

1. We are not what we have. By getting rid of unfinished tasks and unrealized fantasies, we make room for new possibilities. 2. Less stuff — less stress. Getting what you want gives you a new headache because you have to take care of it. 3. Less stuff — more freedom. Unnecessary stuff can be a barrier to discovering something new. 4. Get rid of useless and ugly things. 5. Establish control over your shopping. 6. Don't keep unwanted gifts. Keep a special box for items to give away, such as to a charity. 7. Enjoy without possessing. In today's world, almost all of humanity's masterpieces are available without having to purchase them. 8. Enjoy what you have. When we have enough and are grateful for it, we don't want more. 9. "Live simply and let others live." Pay your attention to recyclable goods.