Devaluation is the most toxic manipulation.

July 19, 2022

Devalue - let the person know that he is not important. Or his feelings, desires, problems do not matter to the interlocutor. ▪Oh, never mind, I found something to worry about! ▪Just think you quit, you will have a thousand more of them! ▪I would like your problems. ▪What are you always whining about, smile, life is beautiful! ▪ She is tired, and who is not tired? Did you think you were in a fairy tale? ▪It's all from idleness, you're just lazy. ▪Yes, you yourself chose this, why are you complaining now? Don't like it - leave. ▪Say thanks for not sending at all! ▪Yes, who needs you then? ▪Don't give a damn about your requests, lower the bar! Donate a lip-roller? ▪Don't say a word to her, how tender! ▪Do you think I'm not offended? I'm silent! ▪If I were you, I would never... We are so used to being devalued that we do this to ourselves once an hour, without lunch and days off.