Negative perfectionism

July 15, 2022

The main danger for a perfectionist is his tendency to get hung up on trifles. That is, focusing on some insignificant detail, he begins to unrestrainedly spend time on it. How to learn to notice and stop such behavior in time? Method 1. Mini-plans. At the beginning of each hour, write down the tasks you want to complete in that hour. At the end of the hour, summarize what you have done and what you have not. Method 2. "Lighthouse". Place a visible object near your workspace to remind you to keep moving forward. Method 3. External signal. As such, you can use a timer call, a pop-up window or a reminder in the organizer. What to do if you catch yourself stuck, but don't know how to cut it off? In this case, try answering three questions: And does it really need to be done? Can it be done differently? Can it be made easier? Many “very important details” turn out to be not so important after checking.